Meta Platforms Inc( Facebook) Biggest Tech Companies in the World:

Meta Platforms Inc( Facebook) 446 bln. Assiduity Social media, online announcement. Periodic profit$ 120 bln. Workers,970 people. Facebook is one of the swift– growing businesses and one of the most precious brands worldwide. Indeed, the request value of$ 446 billion is an astronomical index of fashionability for an Internet design. Facebook was developed by Mark Zuckerberg in February 2004. The social network is presently visited by further than 2 billion people every day, which might be the limit in their global growth, as some people say. So, in recent times, the company concentrated on another way to grow, specifically on accessions. Moment, FacebookInc. owns a lot of other popular systems, among which … Read more

Nvidia Tech Companies in the World 2022

Nvidia Tech Companies in the World 2022 Nvidia 394 bln. Industry Semiconductors, videotape games, consumer electronics, computer tackle. Periodic profit$ 30 bln. workers,473 people. Nvidia is one of the graphic processor manufacturers worldwide, furnishing the fastest GPUs available for PCs, mobile bias, game consoles, workstations, etc. The company had its first success with the computer gaming request. In 2000, it started the cooperation with Microsoft developing plates cards for theX-box gaming press. Since also, the company constantly improves its products broadening the line and setting the new norms of interactive plates. moment, Nvidia is well– known in gaming, professional design, videotape editing, creative operations, AI, data centers, and other tech sectors. The company also offers the SOCs( system on chips … Read more